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Four recently published RCTs of US Mayors' programs providing unconditional cash to low-income people - in Los Angeles, Cambridge MA, Stockton CA, and Baltimore - claimed positive results (and got strong press coverage). Quick take: Unfortunately, the results are unreliable due to high sample loss.

Programs and Study Designs:

  • Each program gave low-income individuals a guaranteed income of $500-1000 per month for 1-2 years. The RCT samples ranged from 286 individuals (Cambridge) to 8,194 (Los Angeles).

  • The studies claimed positive effects on economic, health and other outcomes, based on surveys of sample members.

Study Quality:

  • Unfortunately, the studies all suffered from high sample loss ("attrition") that differed between treatment (T) and control (C) groups. Attrition rates were: 27% T vs 65% C in Los Angeles; 22% T vs 37% C in Cambridge; 51% T vs 60% C in Stockton; and 27% T vs 45% C in Baltimore.

  • These attrition rates create "unacceptable levels of potential bias" under What Works Clearinghouse standards. Treatment and Control group members essentially self-selected themselves out of the sample, and did so at different rates and for different reasons, undermining equivalence between the two groups.


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