NBER posted RCT results for READI Chicago, providing transitional jobs, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other services to men at high risk of violence perpetration or victimization. Quick take: High-quality RCT finds no significant impact on overall serious violent crime over 20 months.
READI sought to identify men at the very highest risk of being involved in a shooting, and offered them 18 months of subsidized, supported work combined with group cognitive behavioral therapy. The program cost about $30k per participant, and the study found it was generally well implemented.
Study Design:
The study randomly assigned 2,456 adult men in Chicago to READI (treatment group) vs usual services (control group). The men averaged 17 prior arrests, and 35% had previously been shot.
Unfortunately, the study found no statistically significant effect on the primary, pre-specified outcome - a combined index of the number of Part I violent crime arrests and number of serious violent victimizations - over 20 months. (The non-significant effect size was -0.03).
The study found a few possible effects on secondary outcomes, but in the absence of a primary effect (and considering the study's many secondary outcome measures), such effects are only suggestive under established scientific standards (FDA, IES), as they could be due to chance.
Based on careful review, this was a well-conducted RCT (e.g., good baseline balance, negligible attrition). A 40-month follow-up report is forthcoming.
Disclosure: My former employer (Arnold Ventures) helped fund this study.