JAMA recently published initial results of a large South Carolina RCT of Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) - a nurse home visiting program for first-time mothers starting in pregnancy. Quick take: High-quality RCT finds no impact on adverse birth outcomes (but study is ongoing with additional results to come).
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is an established nurse home visitation program for first-time mothers – mostly low-income and unmarried. The nurses visit the women 1-2 times per month during pregnancy and first 2 years of their child’s life, providing education, assessments, and goal-setting related to prenatal health, child health and development, and maternal life course.
Study Design:
The JAMA paper reports initial findings of a large, ongoing RCT of NFP in South Carolina, with a sample of 5,670 Medicaid-eligible pregnant women without previous children.
Based on careful review, this is a well-conducted RCT (e.g., excellent baseline balance, negligible attrition for birth outcomes).
The study found no discernible impact on the rate of adverse birth outcomes such as preterm birth or low birthweight (27% treatment vs 26% control - a difference that was not statistically significant). It also found no discernible impact on these outcomes for the subgroup of most vulnerable mothers.
I think these findings, while disappointing, weren’t unexpected: Hopes NFP would improve birth outcomes were from less-rigorous quasi-experimental studies. Earlier RCTs didn't suggest an effect. (Earlier RCTs did find positive effects on other child and maternal outcomes.)
The South Carolina RCT will report on the other 2 primary outcomes - birth spacing and child injury/abuse/neglect - in the future.
Disclosure: Arnold Ventures (my former employer) is helping fund the longer-term study follow-up.