NBER recently posted a report on the Baby’s First Years RCT, studying initial effects of providing an unconditional cash transfer to low-income US mothers with newborns. Quick take: High-quality RCT, interesting results but too early to tell if there’s any meaningful child or family benefit.
Program & Study Design:
The study randomly assigned 1,003 mothers in 4 US cities to a treatment group that gets a large unconditional cash gift ($4000 per year for 4 years) or a control group that gets a small cash gift ($220 per year for 4 years). The paper reports findings at 12-month mark.
Key Findings:
No discernible effect on families' workforce participation (i.e., cash gift doesn't cause parents to work less).
Surprisingly, no discernible effect on families' self-reported financial hardship/stress.
Some positive effects on families’ spending on child, and on mothers' engagement in early learning activities with child.
Based on careful review, this is a high-quality RCT (e.g., low sample attrition, good baseline balance). But one concern is that outcomes are self-reported, and so are vulnerable to social desirability bias (e.g., mothers wanting to report they're using the gift in ways that benefit baby).
Also, it’s unknown whether early effects on parenting behavior (e.g., engagement in learning activity) actually leads to long-term benefit to child (e.g., better cognitive outcomes).
Fortunately, the study will measure longer-term outcomes (e.g., child cognitive development, parent employment) using objective measures, not just self-reports.
PS: An earlier paper reported positive 12-month effects on infant brain activity (measured with EEG). But I think this finding is not reliable due to very high sample attrition (over 50%) and other concerns.