WHY A CONTROL GROUP IS NEEDED TO DETERMINE WHETHER A SOCIAL PROGRAM IS EFFECTIVE, in 4 simple charts. The example I’ll use is HHS’s Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP), which provided intensive case management services to low-income families with young children.
As shown in chart 1 (below, left), mothers in CCDP saw their employment rate more than double over the 5 years after program entry. But CCDP was evaluated in a rigorous study that had a randomly-assigned control group of families, and mothers in the control group saw an almost identical gain (below, right).
So CCDP had no effect on mothers' employment, versus an equivalent group of mothers who didn't participate. If CCDP had been evaluated in the usual non-rigorous way - examining employment outcomes without reference to a control group - it would've been (erroneously) deemed highly effective.
Same story with child outcomes. Chart 3 (below, left) shows that, among children in CCDP, the percent scoring "at risk" in cognitive development and behavior fell sharply from ages 2 and 3 to age 5, during their time in the program.
But control-group children saw almost identical gains (chart 4, above right).
Conclusion: Simply looking at before and after improvement in participant outcomes, without respect to an equivalent group of nonparticipants (controls), often yields the wrong conclusion about program effectiveness.
Here's a link to the HHS/ACF study report.