BMC Public Health published an RCT of iHEAL, a nurse visitation program for women who've experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). Quick take: Mostly well-conducted RCT finds sizable gain in Quality of Life and promising (but not definitive) decrease in PTSD 18 months after study entry.
iHEAL provides nurse visits, focused on health promotion, to women who've experienced IPV & are separating from their partner. The visits take place every 1-2 weeks over 6 months. The program cost is modest (~$2,000 US dollars per woman).
Study Design:
The study randomly assigned 340 women in Canada to iHEAL vs. control (usual community care). Based on careful review, this was a mostly high-quality RCT (e.g., low attrition, preregistered primary outcomes) with a few baseline imbalances in demographic characteristics.
On the primary outcomes: 18 months after study entry, the study found a sizable, statistically significant gain in self-reported Quality of Life (effect size=0.29, equivalent to moving the average woman from the 50th to 61st percentile), and a similarly-sized decrease in PTSD symptoms that wasn't statistically significant - but close (p=0.11).
The study also found sizable, statistically significant - or near significant - impacts on most secondary outcomes (e.g., depression, IPV severity).
Overall, I think these findings are very promising and iHEAL would be a great candidate for a replication RCT to hopefully confirm the results.