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US Department of Labor published RCT results for 2 DOL-funded "Pay for Success" projects - Roca (in MA) for justice-involved young men, and Center for Employment Opportunities (in NY) for adult parolees. Quick take: No impacts (yet) on recidivism or employment; the RCTs are ongoing.




  • Roca - the Massachusetts project - is a 4-year program for young male parolees and probationers. It seeks to foster strong relationships with program staff to change destructive thinking patterns, and provides transitional employment & workforce training.  


  • Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO), the NY project, is a 4-6 month program for high-risk adult parolees just released from prison. It provides training in life skills and work readiness, paid transitional employment, job placement assistance, and post-employment follow-up.


  • Under the Pay for Success (PFS) funding model, private investors (e.g., Goldman Sachs, philanthropic foundations) pay for program delivery, and get repaid by government - possibly with a return - only if the program achieves specific, pre-specified results as verified through evaluation.


Study Design:


  • DOL to its credit required rigorous evaluations - resulting in sizable RCTs of both programs. The Roca RCT recruited a sample of 991 young men in 2014-15; the CEO RCT recruited a sample of 2,357 adult parolees from late 2013-2015.




  • Unfortunately, interim findings of both RCTs (average of 1.5-2 years after study entry for Roca, and less than 1 year for CEO) show near-zero impact on the targeted outcomes: days individuals were sentenced to incarceration, and employment rate. So, per the PFS model, investors weren't repaid.


  • But both projects and RCTs are continuing, in hope that impacts will materialize with larger samples and longer follow-up.




  • Frustratingly, DOL's report only provides high-level details on the RCTs, not enough to gauge study quality; hopefully DOL or other parties will release a full report in the future.


  • Disclosure: my former employer, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation [now Arnold Ventures], invested in both PFS projects and is helping fund the Roca RCT.

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